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Authority record
Corporate body · 1975-

The Writers' Federation of Nova Scotia (WFNS) is a non-profit charitable organization established in 1975 to foster creative writing and the profession of writing in the province of Nova Scotia. Its mandate is to provide advice and assistance to writers at all stages of their careers; to encourage greater public recognition of Nova Scotian writers and their achievements; and to enhance the literary arts in both regional and national culture. Membership is open and advocacy available to both professional and developing writers.

The WFNS is administered by an Executive Director and an Executive Committee. The Executive Director is hired by the Federation and is responsible for the day-to-day operations and business of the Federation. He/she works closely with the Executive Committee and various work groups and special committees.

The Executive Committee are elected by the membership and serve two-year terms. They serve the purpose of a board of management with the traditional responsibilities of officers of a non-profit service organization, and are responsible for the policies and general management of the Federation.

The self-governing Nova Scotia Writers' Council, the Federation's professional wing, comprises about one-third of the Federation's membership and deals with policy issues arising from and affecting the publishing industry. The self-governing and self-administered Nova Scotia Dramatists' Co-op is made up of the Federations' playwrights and screenwriters.

The Federation also serves writers and readers in the community, publishers, editors, teachers, librarians, and representatives of the book industry.

The Federation continues to augment and improve its advocacy and public relations efforts and programmes (including the development and administration of major book awards for the Atlantic region), and to work in concert with other regional and national writers' and publishers' groups for the benefit and growth of the industry.

The Nova Scotia Recreation Department provided the initial funding under its program for assistance to cultural associations.


Florence Gravel was born at Tusket Lakes, Yarmouth County, N.S. She married Wilfred Wyman on 18 May 1895. The couple had three children, Wilfred, Maynard and Iona. Wilfred Jr. was born ca. 1896 and Maynard was born ca. 1898.

Wyman, Iona, b. ca. 1900

Iona Wyman was the only daughter of Wilfred and Florence Nightingale Wyman. She was born in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and had two brothers, Wilfred and Maynard. Iona became a nurse and lived in Nova Scotia.

Wyman, Maynard, b. ca. 1898

Maynard Wyman was the second son of Wilfred Wyman and Florence Nightingale and the brother of Wilfred and Iona, and was born in Yarmouth 1898. He joined the army in 1916 and served in France with the 85th Battalion of the Canadian Infantry (Nova Scotia Regiment). Following the war, he returned to Yarmouth, joined the RCMP and married.

Wyman, Wilfred A., 1896-1917
Person · 1896-1917

Wilfred A. Wyman was the son of Wilfred (b. 1869) and Florence Nightingale Gravel of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and the brother of Maynard and Iona. He was born in 1896 and joined the army in the summer of 1915. He was first sent to Quebec for training and then England and was finally sent to France as a machine gunner with the 25th Battalion of the Canadian Infantry (Nova Scotia Regiment). He was wounded several times and spent considerable time in British vet hospitals. Wilfred was killed in action on 6 November 1917. He is buried in the Ypres Memorial in Belgium.

Wyman, Wilfred, b. 1869

Wilfred Wyman was born on 21 May 1869 in Chebogue, Yarmouth County. In 1895 he married Florence Nightingale Gravel. Wyman first went to sea in 1882 and later earned his Master's papers and commanded British steamers on voyages around the world, employed by the Canadian National Steamships Ltd. until ca. 1936. Between ca.1895 and 1915 he and his family ran a produce business, selling fruit, eggs, and butter to local residents. The family had a hot-house on their farm at Chebogue Point, which they used to grow much of their produce.


Wilfred Wyman was born on 21 May 1869 in Chebogue, Yarmouth County. He married Florence Nightingale Gravel of Tusket Lakes on 18 May 1895. The couple had three children, Wilfred (b.1896), Maynard (b. 1898) and Iona. Wilfred Sr. went to sea in 1882 and later earned his master's papers and commanded British steamers on voyages around the world, employed by the Canadian National Steamships Ltd. Between 1895 and 1915 the family operated a produce business, selling fruit, eggs, and butter to local residents. The Wymans had a hot-house on their farm at Chebogue Point, which they used to grow much of their produce. Wilfred Jr. joined the army in the summer of 1915 and was sent to France as a machine gunner with the 25th Battalion of the Canadian Infantry (Nova Scotia Regiment). Wilfred Jr. was killed in action on 6 November 1917. Maynard joined the army ca. 1916 and also served in France with the 85th Battalion of the Canadian Infantry (Nova Scotia Regiment). Maynard returned home following the war, married and lived in Yarmouth. Iona lived in Nova Scotia and worked as a nurse.

Wynot, Robert Arthur
Person · 1914-2000

Robert Arthur Wynot was born in 1914. His parents were Wellesley M. Wynot and Florence Melinda (Joudrey) Wynot. He lived in Mahone Bay and was a marine engineer who, at one point, worked for Nugold Mining Corporation Limited at the gold mine in Blockhouse, NS. He passed away in 2000.