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Forme autorisée du nom
Buckler, Ernest, 1908-1984
forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom
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Dates d’existence
Writer and novelist Ernest Redmond Buckler was born 19 March 1908 in Dalhousie West, N.S. He received a BA from Dalhousie University in 1929 and an MA in philosophy from the University of Toronto in 1930. For most of his life, he lived at his family's farm near Bridgetown, N.S., where he became interested in writing and published numerous short stories, magazine articles, book reviews, and radio plays. His best known work was his first novel, The Mountain and the Valley (1952). Buckler was the recipient of the Canadian Centennial Medal in 1967, the Order of Canada in 1974, and three honourary doctorates. He died at Bridgetown in March 1984.