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Fonds · 1910-1978
Fonds consists of financial records belonging to William Gaetz including insurance papers, receipts, correspondence, documents related to the estate of Josephine Gaetz, and military pension information. Also included are records related to Gaetz’s time spent serving in WWI, correspondence with soldiers during WWII, records related to Gaetz’s membership in the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Musquodoboit Harbour United Church for which Gaetz acted as treasurer. Church records include financial papers and correspondence, account books, receipts, religious education material, meeting minutes, photographs, insurance documents, and other material. Fonds also includes records pertaining to electoral districts and voters as Gaetz was one of the revisors of the voter lists for his district. In addition, fonds includes lists of officers of the Musquodoboit Harbour Volunteer Fire Department and other material. Accession number 2012.001
School books
Series · [ca. 1913-1917]
Part of Ervin E. Webber family fonds
Series forms part of the Ervin E. Webber fonds and consists of four school books owned and used by Ervin E. Webber. They include two scribblers, a penmanship exercise book, and a leaflet book that may have been used for religious education. Some of the writing and drawings in one of the scribblers was done by Ethel Foley. Accession number: 2013.007
Ronald Slade family fonds
Fonds · 1818-1959
Fonds consists of birth, marriage, and death records for Slade family members, religious records, records relating to occupations of Ronald Slade, correspondence, photographs, and other records. Accession number 2013.027
Religious records
Series · 1902-1925
Part of Laura F. Stoddard family fonds
Series forms part of the Laura F. Stoddard family fonds and consists of a blank pledge card for a Members Associate Pledge likely for the Christian Endeavour Society as well as a certificate stating that William E. Stoddard enlisted in the White Ribbon Army of the N.S.S.S. Association in 1902 at the Sabbath School of the Union Church in Owl’s Head and pledged to abstain from alcohol, tobacco, and profanity. There is also a certificate presented to Robert Burns Williams by the Presbyterian Church of Canada for the memorizing of scripture in 1914 and one presented to Florence Etta Stoddard for reciting the catechism in 1907. Series also includes the communion roll of the Presbyterian Church at Clam Harbour which lists the names of both male and female voters, a pamphlet on the method of taking the vote on church union, and a number of used voter ballots from the vote on church union. There is also one bulletin from the First Baptist Church in Chanston Illinois which mentions a Miss Helen Fisher who attended the Nova Scotia Provincial Normal College. Accession number: 2013.010
Religious records
Series · 1921
Part of Ronald Slade family fonds
Series forms part of the Ronald Slade family fonds and consists of a child’s picture prayer book that belonged to Annie Murley in 1921. Accession number 2013.027
Religious education
Subseries · 1927-1952
Part of William Ansell Gaetz family fonds
Subseries consists of correspondence from the United Church of Canada Board of Religious Education as well as pamphlets for religious gifts and calendars, a brochure, and a pamphlet containing plans for Sunday School workers leading up to Easter.
Series · [19 - ?]
Part of Fonds Père Clarence d'Entremont
la série est constituée de 130 dossiers classés par sujets : Notes générales; Liturgie fondamentale - Droit liturgique; Matériel et personnel - Règles générales des fonctions liturgiques; Bréviaire romain; Rubriques générales du Missel - Divers Offices - Rubriques de la Messe – Sacrements; Missel Romain (aspect historique et symbolique); Rituel Romain - Matière d’examen pour les finissants; Pontificat Romain; Mouvement du Chœur - Cérémonies générales du Chœur; Linges de la Sacristie; Notiones generales juris - Jus publicum - Historia juris canonici - Normae generales; Historia (P. Leduc); De personis in genere - De clericis in genere; De clericis in specie; De Religiosis; De rebus in genere - De locis in temporibus sacris - De Cultu Divino; De Magisterio ecclesiastico - De beneficiis - De bonis Ecclesiae temporalibus; De processibus; De Judiciis ( P.Skehan ); De delictis et poenis; De jus canonicum - Notes générales; Méthodologie – Histoire juridique; Historia canonis V .Ti. - De textu graeco N.Ti. - De V.Ti. libris historicis; (2) Sacra Sriptura (introduction) - De V.Ti. libris didacticis - De libris propheticis; Prologomena - Historia canonis N.Ti. - De evangeliis synopticis et actbus Ap.; De quaestione synoptica - De libris S. Joannis Apostoli; De Epistolis S. Pauli Apostoli; Brevis analysis librorum - Historicorum V.Ti.; In Genesim (P. Bignon); Notae exegetae in libros - Didactivos V.Ti; In sermonem montanum - De prologo Evangelii secondum Joannem - Capita selecta Sti. Pauli - De Christo Sacerdote et victima, juxta Ep. As Haeb.; Allocutions; Sermons donnés étant séminariste; Dissertations théologiques; Spécial; Documents commerciaux; Théorie d’Harmonie; Histoire de l’Église; Histoire profane; De primis principiis - Theologiae moralis; De vera religio; De Ecclesia Christi - De fontibus revelationis; De Deo Uno - De Deo Trino; De Deo Creatore; De verbo incarnato - De novissimis; De Gratia Christi; De Merito - De vertutibus theol. - (De jure vivili vigenti) - (Jus concodatarium); De Sacrementis (exeptis Sacrementis Eucharitiae et Paenitentiae); Mathématiques – Astronomie; Questions d’évolution; Questions philosophiques en général - Caractères et tempéraments; Cours de biologie; Lettres circulaires; Spiritualité en général - Notes eudistiques; C.J.M (Wh – Wy to Wz 38); Obedientia + Obligationes – Novitiatus; Ordinationes; Paupertas – Periadica; Potestas – Proecedentia – Religio – Religionus – Regulaus – Stahilitas; Status Religiosus; Sacietates in quibus vota privata nuncupantur; Physique; Superiores - Transitus ad alium religionem; 93 M. Joseph Bersi mis. Co. Saguen; No.13V vita communis; Z40; De rebus (?); Constitution de la compagnie des prêtres de Saint-Sulpice; Directurium Pare Scretatis Missionum; Society of African Missions – Constitutions and Directory; Cahiers d’études (1926 – 1928); Cahiers d’école; Oratory of St Philip Neri (constitutions and general status); Sociatas sodalium Sti Joseph sacro corde (constitutiones); Explantio votorum emittrintur in congregatione missionis; Robichaud et frère – Bouctouche N.B.; Paul Drolet St-Augustin Co. Portneuf; Societates in quibus juramentum emittitus; Societates in quibus promissio emittiteur; Societates in quibus non habitus formula aggregationis; Societates – juris dioecsani; Aliae societates; Associationes; Michaud Enrg. Shawinigan Falls Co. Mauricie; Aug. Michaud St Pascal Co. Kamouraska; William Midlige – Parent Québec; Presbytari a Misericordia (constitutions); Istitum oratorii Philipi Society of Missions (construction & satua generalia); Constitutions of the Pious Society of Missions (Pallotine Fathers); Sermon à l’occasion de la grand-messe de Père Méthot; La grâce sanctifiante : l’enfant adoptif de Dieu; Problème de l’évolution au point de vue scientifique et au point de vue philosophique; La métaphysique ou la philosophie réelle 11Philosophia 10; Métaphysica entis infiniti theologia naturalisCharles Bourg; A Christmas Carol; English (4-15); Cahiers – Latin et Grec; Livret religieux – correpondance; Cahiers d’études (1-13) anglais et histoire; Cahier de chimie; Natura sorietatum sine votus; Tractatus de deo creatore; Vota; Admission et aggregation - apostata et fugitivus - approbatio societatum - associationibus (defidelium) – auctore; Incordinatio – jusjurandum - litterae dimissonal – testimoniales; Dimissio - documenta pontificalia – domicilium - diebia solvanda; Egressus à societate exemptio; De sacramto eucharistiae - de sacramto pocmtentiae; Sciences appliquées; Science – questions biologiques en général; La constitutions physico-chimique de la matière; Retraite des ordinands; Cahier d`école (philosophie); Jus canonicum; Questions préliminaires sur la cosmographie; Cahiers de français; Cahiers d’histoire de l’église; Questions on electrical units; Questions en anatomie – la cellule; Questions of chemistry; The Salmon Streams of Anticosti Island; Histoire du droit canonique – Rome 1986; Cahiers d’anglais et français; Cahiers de syntaxe et français; Philosophie; Legitime et légitimation; Rue des Remparts; Astronomie 1998.3-f11
Family records
Series · 1865-1915, 1982-2011
Part of Hilchie family fonds
Series forms part of the Hilchie family fonds and consists of family genealogy, copies of marriage registers, legal documents, personal documents, correspondence, newspaper clippings, a diary, school work, certificates, poems, a prayer book, and a family bible. Accession number: 2017.059
Ervin E. Webber family fonds
Fonds · [ca. 1898-1961]
Fonds consists of records related to and accumulated by Reuben Webber, Annie (Newcombe) Webber, and their son Ervin E. Webber including personal correspondence, school books, photographs, certificates, and papers related to financial matters and employment. Accession number: 2013.007
Diaries & Books
Series · 1864-1969
Part of Annabel (Siteman) Ells fonds
Series forms part of the Annabel (Siteman) Ells fonds and consists of diaries kept by Annabel Ells, John O. Siteman, and Hugh Fraser Siteman as well as two address books, one owned by Hugh F. Siteman which contains mailing addresses and the other owned by Annabel which is really more of a vital record as it contains mostly anniversary and birth dates. Also includes a keepsake album belonging to a young Annabel in which friends and relatives wrote her messages as well as prayer, hymn, and catechism books and several bibles that belonged to Mr. and Mrs. John Siteman, Eddie Ells, and Peggy Richard Standring. Accession number: 2013.066